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Happy New Year! My "new" paper on Cantonese RCs is out on Language Learning & Development! (well, new paper on long time data with new way of analysis, so that's still count as NEW! :P)

Lau, Elaine. (2024). The acquisition of relative clauses and noun phrase accessibility: Testing the NPAH in Cantonese. Language Learning and Development, 1-21. 

and the Ad is still going on.....  !!!!!WANTED!!!!!!​

Looking for (part-time) research assistants!!! If you know of any good potentials that would be interested in working on a project in child language development in Chinese and/or non-Chinese languages in Hong Kong or literacy resources in local communities of Hong Kong, please feel free to let me know! 

- RA #1: Cantonese / monolingual syntactic development / 2 yrs / PT/FT
- RA #2: Mandarin / monolingual syntactic development / 2 yrs / PT/FT
- RA #3: English / access to local ethnic minority community and/or knowing the language would be a bonus / 18mths / PT 


Head, Research Office  
Assistant Professor (Linguistics) 

Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education

Adjunct Professor 
Department of Linguistics

University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

Honorary Assistant Professor 
Department of Linguistics

University of Hong Kong


PhD in Linguistics
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

Advanced Graduate Certificate in Second Language Studies
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa


MPhil in Linguistics
University of Hong Kong 

Bachelor of Cognitive Science
University of Hong Kong  

Research interests


Language Acquisition (L1, L2, multilingual, heritage language) 
Language Processing (comprehension vs. production)
Chinese (including Cantonese, and Mandarin Chinese) 


[YCCECE] elaine.lau at yccece dot edu dot hk
[CUHK]     elaine at cuhk dot edu dot hk
Research Gate

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